American Coradius International On Your Credit Report?

  • American Coradius International is a debt collection company
  • You may not have to pay your debt (paying it may hurt your score)
  • Call now to find out if you can remove American Coradius International from your report – without paying your debt (potentially)

Who is American Coradius International?

If you have received a letter or call from American Coradius International (ACI), it is important to take their communication seriously. ACI is a third-party debt collection agency based in New York with over 30 years of experience. They specialize in collecting consumer debt on behalf of creditors and as such, ignoring their contact could lead to legal action against you. Don’t let debt go too far – take the steps necessary to resolve your situation today!

Who Does American Coradius International Collect For?

American Coradius International (ACI) is a third-party debt collection agency specializing in collecting various types of consumer debt on behalf of creditors. ACI primarily collects for the healthcare industry, such as medical providers and hospitals. Therefore, if you have medical debt, ACI may be contacting you to collect payment.

In addition to medical debt, they also collect other types of consumer debt including credit card debt, personal loans, and retail debt. So if you owe money to any credit card companies, loan lenders or retail stores, there is a possibility that ACI has been assigned to collect on that debt. Be informed about your options and take the necessary steps towards resolving your situation today!

Scam or Legit: American Coradius International?

American Coradius International (ACI) is a legitimate debt collection agency with over 30 years of experience and recognition from organizations such as the ACA International and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. If ACI has been assigned to collect on a debt you owe, then it’s important to take it seriously. Do not ignore their communication; rather, work to resolve it quickly as this could potentially lead to legal action against you. ACI holds certifications in ethical debt collection practices and serves their clients with professionalism and integrity — making them a safe choice for those seeking help with managing and resolving their debts.

Need Help With American Coradius International?

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Why Am I Getting Calls From American Coradius International?

If you’re receiving calls or letters from American Coradius International (ACI), it’s likely because you owe money on a debt that has been sent to collections. ACI is a legitimate debt collection agency that works with a variety of industries, including healthcare, telecommunications, and financial services. Ignoring calls or letters from them however will not make the debt go away — in fact, they may even take legal action against you.

To stop the contacts from ACI, you can send them a “cease and desist letter”. This will inform the collector to stop contacting you via phone or mail, but keep in mind that they can still take legal action against you if necessary. Sending the letter certified mail with a return receipt requested is your best bet for proving that they received it. Once the letter has been received by ACI, they are only allowed to contact you if there are plans for legal action or if they want to confirm further communication has stopped.

How Can I Remove American Coradius International From My Report?

Removing American Coradius International (ACI) from your credit report may seem difficult, but it is not impossible. Here are some steps you can take to help remove ACI from your credit report:

  • Thoroughly review your report

Take a close look at your credit report and make sure that all of the information is accurate.

  • Dispute inaccurate information

If you find any inaccurate information or errors on your credit report, take action and dispute the item with the relevant credit bureaus. They are required to investigate and confirm the accuracy of the item within 30 days. If they cannot verify its accuracy, they must remove it from your report.

Negotiate a pay-for-delete

You can negotiate a pay-for-delete agreement with ACI if they are able to validate the debt and it belongs to you. In this agreement, you can agree to pay a portion or all of the debt in exchange for the item being removed from your credit report. Make sure you get the agreement in writing before making any payments.

Work with a credit repair company

If you’re having difficulty removing ACI from your credit report, consider working with a professional credit repair company. Credit Glory is one such company that has the expertise and resources to remove inaccurate items from your credit report and improve your credit score.

It’s important to note that removing a legitimate debt from your credit report may not be possible. However, taking steps can help you resolve the debt and minimize its impact on your credit score.

Can My Wages Be Garnished By American Coradius International?

If you owe money to American Coradius International and haven’t been paying it, they may take legal action to collect what’s owed. One way they could do this is through wage garnishment.

Wage garnishment is a process where a portion of your paycheck is withheld by your employer and sent directly to your creditor. Depending on the state you live in, American Coradius International may be able to get an order from a court granting them the right to garnish up to 25% of your disposable income.

If the thought of having your wages garnished has you worried, then don’t put off taking action any longer. Get in touch with American Coradius International right away and work out a plan for repaying what you owe. You may even want to consider getting help from a credit counselor or debt relief program in order to develop a realistic strategy for paying off your debt.

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What Are the Most Common Complaints About American Coradius International?

American Coradius International (ACI) has been in the debt collection business since 1990, but unfortunately, not all interactions with them have been positive. According to the Better Business Bureau (BBB), there have been over 100 complaints against ACI in the past three years – ranging from harassing phone calls and incorrect reporting to lack of communication.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has also received complaints about ACI, including cases where they failed to provide enough documentation to prove a debt was valid and cases where they continued contacting customers after being asked not to do so.

If you’ve had a similar experience with ACI, take action now. File a complaint with the BBB or CFPB to bring attention to the problem, and consider working with a credit repair company like Credit Glory to dispute any inaccurate information on your credit report. Taking these steps may help you find some relief from ACI’s practices.

What Are the Most Common Complaints About American Coradius International?

Unfortunately, many consumers have had negative experiences with American Coradius International. The Better Business Bureau (BBB) has received hundreds of complaints about ACI in the past three years, with many stemming from harassment tactics such as repeated phone calls and calls outside of reasonable hours. Other complaints include billing disputes and inaccurate reports.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has also seen complaints about ACI, including cases where they failed to provide sufficient documentation to prove a debt was valid and cases where they continued contacting customers after being asked not to do so.

If you’ve had a similar experience, don’t hesitate to take action. File a complaint with the BBB or CFPB and consider working with a credit repair company like Credit Glory to dispute any inaccurate information on your credit report. Doing this may help bring some relief from the issues caused by ACI.

Need Help With American Coradius International?

Speak with one of our friendly Credit Specialists to find out how we can help you.

Remove American Coradius International From Your Credit Report, Today!

Credit Glory can help you remove inaccurate and negative items like American Coradius International from your credit report, boosting your score in the process. Contact us now to learn how we can improve your credit health – today!